Saturday, January 8, 2011

life is one big coloring book

So much has happened in the last month.

Most importantly, I'm coping with no longer calling London home; I'm going to be a bridesmaid(!) for one of my absolute best friends, Jackie; and - drumroll, please - I'm actually going to try to continue blogging!

Also, check out my new account at! I've just started "pinning," & it's such a fun, simple way for everyone to share cute ideas. You, dear reader, should get one too! :)

My life has been full of changes but honestly, is not thrilling enough to put into words. However - I did stumble upon this Dutch coloring book, and thought some of these cute sketches pretty well sum up how I'm feeling. Hopefully you'll enjoy the cuteness as much I have!

Transport Then.

Transport Now!

I do miss seeing Big Ben...

I REALLY want it to snow!

So many of my friends are engaged!

Although I don't fit the Dutch stereotype for an American, it is nice to be home - and no, I don't understand the importance of the carrot either!


  1. Remember the story of the stubborn donkey? The rider dangled a carrot in front of his nose to make him move. Could that be significant int his picture? Hmmm. Dunno.

  2. I think you're right, Junee!

    I was talking to my sister after I posted, and she thinks it might be that there was a horse on the other page of the coloring book.

    ....or maybe the Dutch see Americans as a bunch of stubborn old mules... :)
