Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ah,'s so close!

I'm sitting in my night class- trying to stay awake after pulling an "end-of-semester-paper-writing-all-nighter" - and it just seems fitting to post! After all, so much has happened since my previous post way back in February.

Summer is waiting just around the corner - 10 days, 1 paper, 3 finals, and counting!

I also got a house, which means lots and lots of decorating come June 1st!

I'm loving the thought of decorating with a ladder. Maybe, maybe not, but it's definitely a fun idea!

Also, I finally found a pair of candlesticks that I've been searching for. They looks something like this, only smaller and mismatched sizes.

For a fun activity between spurts of busy-ness, I'm also altering a skirt I bought at the DAV. This was my inspiration.

All of my recent studying has reminded me of the family photo shoot we took last summer - I could probably benefit by ready some of those books... + my sister is moving back home for the summer - so excited to see her more often!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Hello dear friends, it's Friday!

I'm in an exceptionally good mood today. It might be because of the snow (yes, it's snowing AGAIN, with a foot on the ground still!) or because it's Friday, but I'm attributing it to "Send Me on My Way." I even danced around the house this morning as I got ready for class - it's contagiously uplifting! Enjoy!

(The picture is of a barn just down the street from my house in Springfield - so pretty.)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Day: take two

With another day spent at home, I thought it would be fun to experiment with another new recipe. Brace yourself for this, the muffins are called "Fetcha the Feta, You Betcha!" and are from the latest issue of Mary Janes Farm Magazine. If you've never seen the magazine before, it's definitely worth flipping through! Let me know if you'd like the recipe - they were delicious! (with lots of pesto!)

Oh - and I have to point out the muffin stand they're on. It's one of my favorite flea market finds, so I have to brag a little!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy February!

And what a start to February it is! About a foot of snow and 2-for-2 in snow days.

I've also discovered the joy in making crepes - "sweet" (Strawberry-Nutella) and "savory" (Ham-Provolone-Avocado-Spinach), both!

Now, off to the Mudhouse to play pinochle with the parents - and Amanda Vlieger, who's snowed in at our house with us.

Happy Snow Day!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

oh, the yellow couch

I went down to Fayetteville over the long, holiday weekend, and my sister and I put the final touches on the infamous yellow couch. It was quite the project this summer.

Here's the final product - room decor and all!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

a new look for the future

Starbucks has unveiled a new adaptation of its infamous Siren to mark its 40th anniversary. There was quite some planning that went into the change...

Plus, here's a little story about why their logo is a Siren. Some of the comments are pretty funny too - only coffee enthusiasts could have a heartfelt thread, writing things like, "As I studied her image I felt the freedom now of the siren, reaching beyond that circle she is THE PINNACLE without justification."

I'm fine with the new look, as long as they still have their Christmas cups! Happy reading!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Absolutely Adorable!

When her baby is sleeping, this Finnish mother creates various "daydreams" around her. This picture, "She Loves Me, She Loves Me Lots," is just the first of many that were taken.

Check out more of "Mila's Daydreams" here, AND there's going to be a book with all the pictures published in 2012!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


After 4 months without Pandora, I'm loving my new Christina Perri station!

Here's a little taste of some songs that keep showing up -
Regina Spektor Fidelity
Yael Naïm New Soul
Missy Higgins Where I Stood

Saturday, January 8, 2011

life is one big coloring book

So much has happened in the last month.

Most importantly, I'm coping with no longer calling London home; I'm going to be a bridesmaid(!) for one of my absolute best friends, Jackie; and - drumroll, please - I'm actually going to try to continue blogging!

Also, check out my new account at! I've just started "pinning," & it's such a fun, simple way for everyone to share cute ideas. You, dear reader, should get one too! :)

My life has been full of changes but honestly, is not thrilling enough to put into words. However - I did stumble upon this Dutch coloring book, and thought some of these cute sketches pretty well sum up how I'm feeling. Hopefully you'll enjoy the cuteness as much I have!

Transport Then.

Transport Now!

I do miss seeing Big Ben...

I REALLY want it to snow!

So many of my friends are engaged!

Although I don't fit the Dutch stereotype for an American, it is nice to be home - and no, I don't understand the importance of the carrot either!