Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ah,'s so close!

I'm sitting in my night class- trying to stay awake after pulling an "end-of-semester-paper-writing-all-nighter" - and it just seems fitting to post! After all, so much has happened since my previous post way back in February.

Summer is waiting just around the corner - 10 days, 1 paper, 3 finals, and counting!

I also got a house, which means lots and lots of decorating come June 1st!

I'm loving the thought of decorating with a ladder. Maybe, maybe not, but it's definitely a fun idea!

Also, I finally found a pair of candlesticks that I've been searching for. They looks something like this, only smaller and mismatched sizes.

For a fun activity between spurts of busy-ness, I'm also altering a skirt I bought at the DAV. This was my inspiration.

All of my recent studying has reminded me of the family photo shoot we took last summer - I could probably benefit by ready some of those books... + my sister is moving back home for the summer - so excited to see her more often!

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